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Benefits of Patent search in India

Benefits of Patent search - Intellect Vidhya Solutions

A patent search is the first and most crucial stage in the process of patent registration in India. A patent search is an analysis to check or decide if the invention is new, useful and, non-obvious by comparing it with the already existing prior arts or public disclosure and non-patent literature. Patent search provides a lot of advantages and benefits to the inventor. There are different databases and search engines available to search for the already existing prior arts or public disclosure or non-patent literature.

Different ways of performing Patent search

To check the novelty of the invention, a prior art search is conducted in the patent databases. Before conducting a patent search in patent and non-patent literature, the inventor should know the objective of the search strategy or how to perform the search in order to get accurate result. There are different websites and sources for conducting a Patent search. Some of the patent databases are Google patents, Espacenet, and Freepatentsonline.

Patent search is done using different search strategies. They are:

Key string search or Key word search

A key word search is performed by identifying all the key words that define the complete invention. Executing the different keywords on the databases based on the broad and narrow approach will give different prior arts or search results.

Patent classification search

In the patent classification search, patents are classified on the basis of specific technology groupings based on common subject matter. One has to identify one or more classes that are relevant to the invention. Different classification assigned to the patent applications such as CPC, IPC, US patent classification, and European classification (ECLA). The IPC codes can be identified using catchwords that relate to the invention.

Citation based search

A patent document has backward (references cited by the patent document) and forward citations (references cited by current patent document). Citations are references to the prior technology and can be extracted using key string search and patent classification search. Thereafter, analyze the cited documents to uncover more references and find relevant references among the citations to carry out citation search for the relevant patent documents.

Assignee based search

This search is conducted by extracting a list of assignees/applicant names from the relevant databases. Then add the assignee name in the patent databases to gather information about the assignee/applicant who have granted patents for their inventions

Inventor based search

The search involves extracting a list of inventors from the relevant documents and adding query in the database using the inventor’s name.

Benefits of Patent search in India

The benefits of conducting a Patent Search in India are mentioned below:

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