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Understanding Copyright for Sound Recordings

Copyright Protection for Sound Recordings - Intellect Vidhya

Copyright for sound recordings is a vital aspect of intellectual property law, protecting the rights of creators and ensuring they maintain control over their work. Sound recordings, whether they are music tracks, podcasts, or other audio forms, are protected by copyright, granting the owner exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly perform the work. This article will walk you through the basics of sound recording copyright: what it protects, how a traditional right has evolved into an increasingly important one in digital times and how digital distribution impacts your copyright rights.

What is Copyright for Sound Recordings?

Copyright for sound recordings refers to the legal protection granted to the specific performance or recording of a sound. This protection is separate from the copyright in the underlying musical composition or lyrics — it covers only the actual recorded sounds. For example, when an artist records a song, the sound recording copyright protects that particular recorded version while composition of music and lyrics are protected by means of their own copyright.

Copyright owners of sound recordings have several exclusive rights, including:

  1. Reproduction Rights: The right to make copies of the recording.
  2. Distribution Rights: The right to sell or distribute copies to the public.
  3. Public Performance Rights: The right to play the recording publicly, such as on the radio or in a public space.
  4. Derivative Work Rights: The right to create new works based on the original recording, such as remixes or samples.

These rights allow creators to determine how their recordings can be used and for which they will receive royalties if others use the work.

Duration of Copyright Protection for Sound Recordings

The Copyright Act, 1957 of India governs protection duration for copyright in sound recordings. In India, sound recordings are protected for a period of 60 years from the beginning of the calendar year following the year in which such recording is published. This is also in line with the international framework that India has subscribed to, as a member of Berne Convention. As a result of this protection, sound recordings in India are given a standardised period of copyright that may be slightly different from other jurisdictions but one which generally ensures the robust protection to creative works.

How Digital Distribution Impacts Your Copyright Rights?

The digital environment has transformed the manner in which sound recordings are distributed and includes online platforms (e.g., streaming, downloads) and social media. This has led to many new opportunities for creators, and at the same time created more complications in copyright clearance.

Digital distribution impacts your copyright rights in several ways:

The Role of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs)

Collective Management Organizations (CMOs), also known as Performing Rights Organizations (PROs), also have a major role in taking care of the Copyright for sound recordings. These organizations collect royalties on behalf of copyright owners when their recordings are played publicly, whether on the radio, in public spaces, or online.

Joining a CMO gives creators protection in the form to get paid for using their recordings. They support the enforcement of copyright by monitoring usage, and acting against not authorised uses on behalf of their members

Copyright Infringement and Remedies

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses a sound recording without permission, violating the copyright holder’s exclusive rights. Infringement can take many forms, including unauthorized copying, distribution, or public performance of the recording.

When infringement occurs, copyright holders have several remedies available:


Sound recording copyright is an essential tool to defend the interests of its creators as it allows control and benefit their productions. With the evolution of digital distribution, it has become even more critical to understand how here-to-for basic principles affect your copyright rights. Keeping up to date about your entitlements, using copyright aids and working with CMOs will enable creators in their quest to protect against unauthorised use of sound recordings.

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