5 Quick Tips To Protect Your Idea With A Patent
It may be both thrilling and unsettling to defend a potentially profitable concept! You can prevent a competitor from creating a product that is legally identical to yours and undoing…
Intellect Vidhya Solutions Law LLP
It may be both thrilling and unsettling to defend a potentially profitable concept! You can prevent a competitor from creating a product that is legally identical to yours and undoing…
When an invention is patented, the patentee is granted numerous important legal rights. Sadly, many inventors and business owners still don't grasp how to use and effectively exercise their rights…
Are you aware that you can seek protection for your unregistered trademarks from being used without your permission? Yes, this use is considered passing off of trademark and is subject…
Although they may sound similar, the phrases "company" and "brand" are actually different. In marketing and advertising, both brands and companies play important roles. A company is regarded as an…
It is undeniable that the goodwill and reputation earned in a market contribute significantly to the success of a product or brand in that market; however, this contribution is made…
A 'design' registration is awarded in India based on the aesthetic appeal of a product or article. A design does not impact or contribute to the functionality of a product;…
The implementation of the TRIPS agreement resulted in significant changes in how governments enforced intellectual property rights. As a result, business owners and entrepreneurs began to place a premium on…
What is copyright? The term "Copyright" generally refers to the "right to copy" that belongs solely to the author or artist who created it. Everyone else must obtain permission from…
The difference between Copyrights and Patents, and Trademarks is both obvious and perplexing. The trademarks and patents are part of industrial intellectual property, but copyright is a distinct kind of…
The authorship and ownership of copyright in India is distinct. The concept of ‘ownership’ and ‘authorship’ in India becomes vital when the question of propriety over the copyright arises. This…